Four consecutive months....four different struggles. I think those are too much already. I want to ask God "What are you trying to tell my family?". We had enough already.
Last March, my nephew was hospitalized due to appendicitis. My sister and brother-in-law got tortured about the many bills that they had to pay. We almost lost Bibo, my smart nephew.
When April came, my father was hospitalized also in Batangas City due to prostate concerns. The family stayed there for almost a week.
Last May, the father of my brother-in-law suffered enlargement of the stomach due to cancer(not so sure about this). But the sad part is, he died after being hospitalized for almost 2 weeks.
Last June 1, my sister Zsazsa met a road mishap,jeepney against a ten wheeler truck in Batangas. I can't stand the sight of my sister when I visited her in the hospital. She suffered fractures in her arm and face. We had to transfer her to the UST Hospital for two operations. The operations lasted for 12 hours, from 7am to 7pm. My sister is on her way to recovery now but the memory of the accident will surely haunt her. Thanks to the caring doctors and nurses of UST. Thanks also to my other sister, Coly, and to my future brother-in-law, Vhido, for the untiring support and love to Shak. Thanks to all who prayed for Shak during the operation. Thanks Lola Lucia for your love to us. To my Ninang Remmie's family, may the good Lord bless you forever!
Maybe God is telling the family to be more prayerful and support each other in times of happiness and sorrow.
I hope there is no more...fifth. In the name of God!